Is Lamb Healthier Than Beef Misc Bodybuilding

Each time we step into the grocery store, we are faced with dozens of options for proteins. The options seem endless – we have the choice to choose the type of meat, the cut of meat, and even the producers of the meat. As humans, we love familiarity as it keeps us feeling comfortable. However, change can be good as it introduces us to new experiences. The next time you step into the grocery store, why not try something new, like lamb?

There are more and more people who are switching to lamb as their protein of choice every day. Here are some reasons why they (and why you should) make the switch to lamb:

1. High Source of Protein

Lamb is primarily made up of protein, providing all nine essential amino acids that your body requires for proper growth and maintenance. Thus, eating lamb contributes to positive health. Lamb is especially beneficial for those who engage in daily physical activity, such as athletes and bodybuilders, since protein helps with muscle repair.

Consuming lamb can also prevent overeating since it is protein heavy. Protein is widely known for creating higher levels of satiety. Therefore, lamb can contribute to maintaining a healthy weight.

plated lamb chops

2. Rich Source of Vitamins and Minerals

Lamb is a great source of a variety of vitamins and minerals, including:

  • Vitamin B12 this vitamin is important for the formation of blood cells and the healthy functioning of the brain.
  • Selenium selenium acts as a powerful antioxidant, and therefore prevents damage to cells that are caused by free radicals.
  • Zinc this mineral is vital for the development and formation of hormones.

And these are just some of the vitamins and minerals that lamb is incredibly rich in. Consuming lamb will ensure you are getting a healthy supply of different types of vitamins and minerals to support good health.

lamb kabobs

3. Excellent Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Today people are consuming more omega-6 fatty acids than they are consuming omega-3 fatty acids. This is an issue because omega-6 is pro-inflammatory and omega-3 is anti-inflammatory. Thus, omega-3 can possibly lower the risk of heart disease.

Omega 3 also promotes healthy skin as it supports flexibility, moisture retention, and antioxidant function, leaving your skin hydrated with diminished visibility of fine lines and wrinkles. Who knew lamb could keep you young?

lamb chops with vegetables

4. Great Source of Iron

Since lamb is a red meat, it has much more iron than other sources of protein, like fish or chicken. Therefore, consuming lamb increases the composition of red blood cells, increases the proportion of hemoglobin in the blood, and even improves blood flow and the delivery of oxygen to cells.

Lamb also has more heme iron than non-heme iron (heme iron comes from animals, and non-heme iron is found in plants). Heme iron is absorbed much better than non-heme iron; thus, eating lamb is beneficial if you are looking to prevent and improve iron deficiency , and symptoms of anemia. As lamb is rich in iron, eating lamb can help you meet your goals for iron intake.

rack of lamb with potatoes and carrots

5. High in Calcium

Lamb meat is high in calcium. This makes lamb a great source of calcium for those who are calcium deficient and cannot consume other sources of calcium, like milk. The consumption of lamb and its high calcium content provides benefits such as maintaining strong and healthy bones, preventing disruptions, and preventing bone abnormalities.

SunGold Speciality Meats makes it easy for you to make the switch by providing a variety of Lamb Tonight products to choose from, along easy-to-make recipes !

Our Lamb Tonight Line is pre-seasoned, mild flavored and convenient. Just add heat, and eat!

From burgers to sausages to meatballs and kabobs, our healthy and tasty options will have you wishing you made the switch sooner! You can pick up our Lamb Tonight products at Sobeys, Safeway, Thrifty Foods, Federated Coop and Calgary Coop.

What are you waiting for Pick up a package (or two, or three) today!

lamb kabobs


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